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My Story

About Bill Zujewski 

High-energy, super successful, marketing executive focused on Product Marketing. 


My mantra is simple - "Great marketing starts with great messaging and positioning". 

Recently Co-Founder, President of the Green Business Bureau. (acquired by Clearyst in 2022)

Fractional CMO (2017 - 2023) work for the following companies: Delve Security, Polestar Global, Edited, MikMak, Deltek, PatriApps, Copify, Paper Crane, Clearyst and ThingWorx.

I'm currently in stealth mode for my next startup. In the meantime I am helping small and medium software companies with their marketing. I have led marketing teams at 5 hyper-growth companies with 5 successful exits and use that experience to help companies accelerate growth. It you're interested in extending your marketing or executive team,  or just looking for some simple consulting/advisory marketing services, reach out to me below. You can eMail bzujewski at or you can find me on LinkedIn here: Bill Zujewski


My mission is simple...great marketing.


There is a lot of weak marketing and confusing messaging out there. I'd like to help those companies. There are also many growth companies with good marketing. I'd like to take them to the next level.


To make every one of my clients #1 in their category.

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